Thursday 29 August 2019

WHY WRITE ? Jean Paul Sartre


Jean Paul Sartre

Critical summary by Dr. S. Sreekumar

Biographical note
Sartre is known for his famous philosophical work—Being and Nothingnesswhich expounds atheistic existentialism. [Atheistic existentialism (of Sartre and Camus) excludes all metaphysical and religious beliefs. Sartre and Camus believed that there is nothing that transcends (that is beyond) human existence].
Sartre thought that the individual is autonomous (a self -contained being who/which does not need either God or Nature for its existence) and at the same time responsible for his actions.
Sartre’s relationship with the Communist Party had been stormy and contentious. But he was always a man with extreme left ideologies. The present piece, ‘Why Write’, is the second chapter of his What is Literature. In ‘Why Write’ Sartre adopts a phenomenological view of a work of literature as existing by virtue of an agreement between writer and reader. 
Some believe that art is a form of escape.  Others see it as a means of conquering. Sartre says that there are other means of escape than through art. For example, a person can escape into a hermitage or can escape into madness or death. [Madness and death are seen as ways of escaping from the world]. Similarly, one can conquer through arms.  Thus Sartre believes that for escaping from the world or for conquering it, art is not necessary.  He believes that there is a deeper motive behind the aims of authors.